Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sammi in the Choir

We have a Stake Women's Choir going on. We perform 2 songs this Sunday and today I thought "Why not bring Sammi?" She has been memorizing the entire soundtrack to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (ever since her two cousins were in the play and we saw it). She sings every day and has put on numerous musicals for us all. She is the narrator, Scotti is Joseph, Cooper is the Pharoah (the Elvis guy), Ev and I are brothers (which Ev really gets into), and Grant is a sheep. Sammi is constantly trying to get Grant to be a better sheep. She's helping him "baa" and tells him he needs to crawl around and maybe try to be funny or something. (Later I found out that today, while Sammi was giving him a lecture about this, that Scotti came and whispered in his ear that maybe he should just not worry about being a sheep anymore. That he might make a really great goat!)

Anyway, I decided that Sammi would love choir. She did. She walked in there and picked up her own music and then stood there and sang the words, following me for the tune. She just picked it right up! I couldn't believe it. I was so proud of her. She sang out strongly and really tried to learn about the song. She asked me about parts she wasn't getting. She focused for two hours of choir practice. She worked out where she should stand so she could be seen and what she should wear so we could all match. I was just so proud of her. She was so cute. I think ultimately that I love music and sharing something I love with her was so fun. It brought me a lot of joy that she was getting the same joy out of the music that I was. You always hope that your kids will see the same greatness in your hobbies that you do, and when they show interest, it is just so fun. Teaching Sammi how to sing in a choir today was one of the most fun times I've had. I love my Sammi.


  1. That's fun Sammi loves singing like you do! I totally understand where you are coming from because I really hope someday I have little girls who love dance class. I like Sammi's production of Joseph too. How funny!

  2. That is very sweet and doesn't surprise me at all that she is a natural :)
