We had a fun Easter weekend. We started off on Saturday with a fun morning at the dog show (which was really fun!), continued at our local Easter Egg hunt at the fair grounds, and ended at a Easter BBQ at our friend/neighbor's house. We had such a fun day! It was windy and rainy, but my kids didn't even seem to care. Today, we woke up to our Easter baskets and put on our new Easter duds. We had our good friends the Beuses over for Easter dinner and it was a great time. We are so lucky to have such great friends. It felt like we were around a lot of friends this weekend--especially at the Easter Egg hunt at the fairgrounds. I just love going to Elma community events and knowing many of the people I see there. It makes me excited about living in a small town.
Let's see...stories about the kids this week. I was working in the garden this week, when Scotti appeared wearing a tuxedo (a costume from his dance recital last year.) "Mom, I'm getting married!" he pronounced in a low adult voice.
"Congratulations! Whom are you going to marry?"
Without hesitation, "Rosalinda."
"Sounds great. What do you do when you get married?"
Pause. Pacing. "I don't know." Pause. Pacing. Scotti returns: "Mom, I think I'll just be the priest."
"OK, but you realize that we don't really get married by a priest, right?"
"Yes mom, but I'm only pretending!"
Sammi, who is always interested in a wedding, came along and told Scotti to close his eyes. When he opened them, he was to stare at her really hard and then exclaim how beautiful she is. He did so, and Sammi replied, "Yes, I am beautiful, but I'm not Rosalinda, and I'm not getting married." Then she ran off. She and Scotti played this game for a good hour or so, Scotti telling Sammi how beautiful she is, Sammi coming up with different ways to dump him. They refined the scene immensely by the end, adding dramatic hand holding and fake crying and such. I couldn't believe I had such thesbians.
Cooper keeps defining words for me. He told me that another name for weeds is "deeds." When I used the word "deeds" in a sentence, "Could you please pull those deeds over there for me?" Cooper looked at me funny and said that I'm not allowed to use that word, only him.
As we were getting ready to go to the Easter Egg hunt, we were all in the car waiting for Cooper, so I yelled up the stairs for him to come down. He kept yelling back, "just a minute!" Finally, when I got fed up and began counting to the dreaded number three (one.... two...) he came out of his room crying telling me that if I could just wait a minute, he would come down. He was putting on his socks. Cooper does not know how to do this yet. I told him that we didn't have time for him to practice right now and to come downstairs and I would put them on him. He told me that he would just be a minute because he asked God to help him get his socks on and God said OK, so I was just going to have to wait! Needless to say, we had a discussion about how sometimes when we want to do something, God helps us get it done by sending helpers. "Mom!" Cooper exclaimed, "you are my helper!" I whisked his socks on and buckled him in his car seat. What a sweetie pie!
Everett's favorite song lately is "Whoop! There it is!" He sings it all the time. He loves music. In the car, we were listening to John Denver's "Thank God! I'm a Country Boy!" In the background, the audience claps to the music. So does Everett. It is so cute. He also sings along to Queen's "I Want to Ride My Bicycle" and loves "Witch Doctor." Just loves music. Sings all the time. Sings when he plays, sings when he goes to sleep. He is just such a sweet heart. Today is his 2nd birthday, although we won't celebrate it until next week. We decided to take away his binki today. We really geared ourselves up for such a move. We were ready to give extra comfort, listen to a little crying as he learned to go to bed without it. Funny thing is, he didn't ask for it once. Didn't even notice it was gone!
Oh yea, Cooper got stitches this week. We got a package and he couldn't get it opened, so he got a really sharp knife and ended up cutting himself. No problem! Grant just sewed him right up in our very own living room. Now that's service!
Also, at our Elma Easter Egg hunt, Scotti got an egg that had a number where you go to a tent to get a prize. Sammi was very disappointed that she didn't get a prize. She just couldn't recover from the disappointment and had to go sit by herself for a little while to pull herself together. Scotti got his prize, a cool game. Then, the lady came running over to him and told him that here was a little package that went with his prize that she forgot to give him. Scotti was really excited because now Sammi could have a prize too! He ran over and enthusiastically gave it to her. I was one proud mother.
Ah - really great stories and super great kids!